Regular dentures, such as those with a rigid resin or metal base, can take a while to get used to. They can cause some discomfort and soreness, especially when you’ve only just got them. You need to learn how to hold them in place with your tongue and cheeks, and how to clean and take good care of them without breaking them.
For partial dentures, flexible dentures provide a great solution for these problems. They are more durable, thinner, and more bendable and adjustable into the mouth, making them more comfortable to use than regular dentures.
At Parkside Dental Care, we provide Valplast Flexible Partials. Unlike other partial dentures, Valplast does not require metal clasps to hold them.
If you have flexible dentures, you’ll need to clean them carefully every day to keep them fresh. This means removing them and brushing them all over with warm water.
Our pricing for Valplast Flexible Partials starts at £850.
If you’d like a set of flexible dentures, contact us today to book in, or call us on: 0161 777 8606
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